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Here’s what you should have in your 401k in your 50s and 60s

While Social Security benefits will be important income for all one day, the 401k plan has become one of the most important retirement instruments, allowing people to use pre-tax money to help them save up for their non-working years. This…

Bitcoin as part of retirement savings?

With Social Security replacing a scant 40% of pre-retirement income, retirees and near retirees are constantly on the lookout for “return” and/or the “next big thing.” Is Crypto that thing? Soon investors will be able to add cryptocurrencies to their…

What You Need in Your Retirement Account at Every Stage of Life

Jami Farkas of Yahoo Finance has a great piece here that takes you from your 20s through the 60s. Planning must start in your 20s, though she states, “There isn’t one recipe for success when it comes to retirement planning.…

Get More Money From Social Security

Even if Social Security will not be the primary income for one during retirement, Maurie Backman explains how to obtain a higher benefit with little effort. First, if earnings have peaked, extend your career a year or two to get…

20 Best Places To Live on Only Social Security

Sometimes a story is just fun to read. So it is with ones that rank best places to live, best places to retire, etc. This piece by Jami Farkas of Yahoo Finance compiled a list of the 20 best cities…

Want a financially secure future? Make these 5 moves

Whether retirement is around the corner or a decade or more away, Selena Maranjian suggest making these five moves to improve the quality of your golden years: pay off debt, contribute more to retirement accounts, move money to dividend paying…

Know The Rules if Claiming Social Security Early

Claiming Social Security at age 62 remains the most popular age to begin, but it comes with a lifetime cut that far too many do not fully comprehend. Age 62 is NOT one’s full retirement age. Maurie Backman reminds readers…

Bankroll Retirement with These 3 Social Security Strategies

Selena Maranjian explains that Social Security keeps more than 15 million people out of poverty and provides 50% or more of retirement income for more than a third of older beneficiaries. Thus it’s best to try to get the largest monthly check…

Want More Than The Average Social Security Payment?

According to Social Security, the average monthly Social Security payment for 2022 is about $1,657 – hardly enough to live on. And who among us wouldn’t want to increase their monthly Social Security benefit? Nearly everyone, of course, would like…

Should You Claim Social Security Early?

Should you claim Social Security early (“early” meaning before your full retirement age)? Well, a majority of beneficiaries do, which may – or may not – be the right decision. Most Advisors will suggest you wait as long as possible…

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