Q & A

Ask Rusty – Should I Wait until Age 70 to Claim Social Security? 

Dear Rusty: I am a married woman, at my full retirement age, and the primary earner in my marriage. How do I know if I should take my Social Security now or wait till 70?  I will lose quite a…

Ask Rusty – Can I Get Extra Social Security for my Military Service? 

Dear Rusty: Please help. I served from 1964 to 1966 in the US Army. I have been trying to contact Social Security in order to request extra benefits for veterans. The telephone is a recording, and you never get to…

Ask Rusty – Why was Social Security money moved to the General Treasury? 

Dear Rusty: Why were the Social Security funds moved from the Social Security account to the General Fund with the government? Is it not then called a tax making it an entitlement? That then gives the government control of our…

Ask Rusty – About Social Security Benefits for Someone with Multiple Ex-spouses

Dear Rusty: If a financially well-off individual had multiple ex-spouses, could it happen that the multiple ex-spouses could each be collecting Social Security based on their own financial situation as compared to their rich ex-spouses? Thus, multiple payouts by SS?…

“Ask Rusty- Clarification of Medicare, IRMAA and MAGI”

Dear Rusty:  I am confused by an article in my local newspaper which said that “MAGI” (modified adjusted gross income), on which my Medicare Part B premium is based, is my Adjusted Gross Income, plus any non-taxable interest, plus 50%…

Ask Rusty – About When to Claim Social Security and Taxation of Benefits

Dear Rusty: I am 65 and currently working full-time. Can I apply for and start receiving my Social Security benefit? I’d expect to have to pay income tax on it if/when I do. Signed: Curious Worker  Dear Curious Worker: If…

Ask Rusty – About Investing Social Security Money in the Stock Market

Dear Rusty:  For most folks collecting Social Security, you get back what you put in within 3-5 years, so for those that scream – “SS is not an entitlement, it is my money”- that is not entirely accurate beyond 3-5…

Ask Rusty: I Use only VA healthcare; Can I get back Medicare taxes paid?

Dear Rusty: I’m 72 years old with 20 years of military service. I am retired collecting Social Security, my military pension, and State retirement benefits. According to my SSA statement, over my working lifetime I paid $14,302 into Medicare, but…

Ask Rusty – Can my Wife Claim Her SS Now and Get Half my SS Benefit Later?

Dear Rusty: My wife will reach her full Social Security benefit at 66.5 years of age which is just under 2 years away for her now. If she were to begin to get her monthly check now (i.e. early), would…

Ask Rusty – Have I Saved Social Security Money by Claiming at 62?

Dear Rusty: I had to start collecting Social Security at 62, and I am 75 now. I believe that in the last 13 years I have saved Social Security money, so I do not know why I cannot draw my…

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