Q & A
Ask Rusty – Can a Widower Get Full Survivor Benefits Early?
Dear Rusty: My wife passed from COVID-related heart disease in 2020, just short of her 65th birthday. I will be 66 in May 2023. Do I have any recourse for a part of her benefit? Online at ssa.gov it says…
Ask Rusty – I’m Working; Why Hasn’t My Social Security Benefit Increased?
Dear Rusty: I will be 72 in July. I started taking my Social Security at age 64 after a job loss and other items that came up. So, my plan to wait past 68 evaporated, but I have continued to…
Ask Rusty – About Payroll Tax and Income Tax on Social Security
Dear Rusty: Is it possible for you to go over how the Federal withholding tax is computed on Social Security benefits? Signed: Curious Taxpayer. Dear Curious: I’m not sure if you’re asking about how FICA (or self-employment) tax on your…
Ask Rusty – Will My Wife Get a Spouse Benefit When I Claim at 70?
Dear Rusty: My wife started receiving her social security at 65 (her full retirement age) and she will be 69 years old this July. I was able to receive half of her social security under an older law. This April,…
Ask Rusty – About the Earnings Test and Taxation of Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I’m 63, married, and we file a joint tax return. If I claim Social Security now and keep working and earn $7,000 more per year than the annual limit of $19,560, I know I’d have benefits withheld at…
Ask Rusty – Should I Claim Early Due to Social Security’s Financial Condition?
Dear Rusty: I plan on retiring at 62, one year from now. I have been coached to (if financially possible) leave my Social Security earnings for my wife to collect in the future if I die, considering that she was…
Ask Rusty – Do Immigrants Get Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am 90 and a long time Social Security recipient – I signed up at age 62, which I now know was not wise, but I digress. We see from various sources that immigrants, legal and illegal, get…
Ask Rusty – My Husband Still Works; Must He Enroll in Medicare at age 65?
Dear Rusty: There is confusion between my husband and me on when he should file for Medicare. My husband will be 64 in July. While he does plan on continuing to work to age 67 and continuing with his employer’s…
Ask Rusty – Please Help Us with Social Security Planning
Dear Rusty: Would you please advise on my wife and my Social Security planning? I’m 69 & 2 months, my wife is 66 & 2 months, so we both hit full retirement age. We both plan on starting to take…
Ask Rusty – About Survivor Benefits for Minor Children
Dear Rusty: My nephew died suddenly at 50 years of age and left 2 children, ages 17 and 14. He was divorced, but they were married for more than 10 years, and his ex-wife works as a nurse. My nephew…