Q & A
Ask Rusty – Should We Get Married or Just Live Together?
Dear Rusty: My question is about benefits and getting married. I am a retired man, 65-years-old, and collecting Social Security plus 2 pensions. My girlfriend will turn 62 in October of 2020 and plans to apply for Social Security benefits…
Ask Rusty – Can I Hide My Social Security in A Tax-Advantaged Account?
Dear Rusty: I will be 62 years of age at the end of this year. Can I start drawing my Social Security at age 62 and have it directly deposited into my IRA (arm’s length), not spend it and continue…
Ask Rusty – What Will My Wife’s Benefit Be If I Die?
Dear Rusty: I am 76 years old and began collecting Social Security when I retired at the age of 62. My wife also began collecting SS when she turned 62 based on my benefits. She did not work enough to…
Ask Rusty – About the Virtues of Claiming Benefits Early
Dear Rusty: It seems like we are always encouraged to wait until our full retirement age or age 70 to claim our Social Security. For me, benefits at age 62 were a good jump start to my retirement. How about…
Ask Rusty – Can My Mother Get Benefits from Common Law Marriage?
Dear Rusty: My 71-year-old mother has a very small Social Security income. It is not enough to find her housing. I am working to file for increased VA benefits, as she is a veteran. Her partner of 21 years (common…
Ask Rusty – About Working While Collecting Social Security
Dear Rusty: In 2019 I was out of work for an extended period. I was eligible to begin receiving retirement benefits (at age 63) and started to do so in August. My part time job was limited so it did…
Ask Rusty – Why Won’t Social Security Give Me My Widow’s Benefit?
Dear Rusty: I have been a widow since November 2019. I retired under the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Before my husband died, I made an appointment with Social Security to see if I could receive his Social Security if…
Ask Rusty – Should My Wife Claim at 62? Will She Get Widow Benefit?
Dear Rusty: I am almost 64 and still working, and I plan to work until about 66 or 67. My wife is 62. Should she go ahead and file for her Social Security? Is it true that she can draw…
Ask Rusty – Widow Unsure About Her Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am looking for information on my Social Security survivor benefits from my husband. I just turned 65 and have been collecting my Social Security widow’s benefit since I was 60. Someone told me that I should take…
Ask Rusty – About Special Extra Earnings for Military Service
Dear Rusty: How do I find out if I get any extra earnings for my military service of 28 years (Navy, 1982-2011), when I begin collecting my full Social Security retirement benefit next year (in July 2021)? Signed: Retired Veteran…