Q & A
Ask Rusty – About the “Earnings Test” and “Registering” with Social Security
Dear Rusty: Does tax filing status matter when calculating how much you can earn without a reduction in your monthly SS payout? My wife and I have filed a joint income tax return for years. My wife is working and…
Ask Rusty – Husband Confused About Spouse Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am 65 and still working and plan to work for some time to come. My birthdate is February 1955. My wife is 64 and not working. Her birthdate is January 1956. Half of my benefit is more…
Ask Rusty – Should My Wife Take Her Social Security at Age 62?
Dear Rusty: I have been advised by my financial planner to start my wife’s social security benefits at the age of 62 (she is now 61). I am 65 and still employed, not on Medicare, and not taking social security…
Ask Rusty – Can My Husband Get A Spouse Benefit from Me?
Dear Rusty: I’m wondering if my husband can submit a “restricted application for spousal benefits only.” He is 76 years old, has been receiving his benefit since 2005. His present benefit is $263.50. I am 74 years old, receiving my…
Ask Rusty – Social Security for Children and Younger Wife
Dear Rusty: I am 59. My wife is 48 and has been a stay at home mom for 15 years. We have children aged 13, 10, and 5. I know it makes sense to delay the start of benefits, but…
Ask Rusty – Why Are our Medicare Premiums Different?
Dear Rusty: What is the Medicare monthly payment based on? I pay $139.60, my husband pays $144.60, a friend pays $136.60. I receive $388 per month in Social Security, my husband receives $1200, and my friend receives $1000 per month.…
Ask Rusty – About Working Overseas and Earning U.S Social Security
Dear Rusty: My daughter had menial jobs – part time – here in the USA during high school and college but shortly after college moved to South Korea to teach English. After 8 years there she will be going to…
Ask Rusty – Retiring from Work; When Should I Claim Social Security?
Dear Rusty: I turned 63 August 12th, 2019. I will be retiring June 30th, 2020 from my current job. I will have made approximately $35,000 by then and am receiving severance pay of $19,000 on June 30th. Will the pay…
Ask Rusty – Using IRA instead of Claiming SS; Disability Appeal
Dear Rusty: I am currently unemployed and drawing funds from my IRA. I am 62 years old. My financial adviser instructed me to not take Social Security because once I do that the percentage of increase would stop. He said…
Ask Rusty – About the Dreaded “IRMAA” Provision
Dear Rusty: About a month or two ago I was notified that my Social Security was being reduced from $1,583 a month to about $1,283 a month – a $300 deduction! They said it was because my income was over…