Q & A

Ask Rusty – Income Tax on Social Security vs. the Earnings Test

Dear Rusty: I retired from work this year (age 62) and I will receive my first social security benefits in September. Is there a special rule for the first year you retire that allows you to not pay taxes on…

Ask Rusty – Understanding the Family Maximum

Dear Rusty: My husband passed away when our children were 3 and 5 years old. I received benefits for myself, our two children and my 14-year-old son from a previous relationship. When my 14-year-old son turned 18, the amount he…

Ask Rusty – What Will My Widow’s Benefit Be?

Dear Rusty: My husband just started receiving Social Security Disability in June. He is diagnosed with a terminal disease that likely he will rapidly succumb to. He will be 65 in Oct 2019. I turned 62 July 2019. I was…

Ask Rusty – Working at 65, So What About Medicare?

Dear Rusty: My husband turns 65 in December of this year, but he is employed and will be on his employer’s health insurance at least through this school year (May 2020). How should we inform Medicare of this situation and…

Ask Rusty – Will My Husband’s Income Affect My Benefits?

Dear Rusty:  Since it looks like a good option for me to retire at 62 and my husband (who is younger than me) to retire at 67, will the income he makes after I retire affect my benefit amount by…

Ask Rusty – When Will My Earnings Not Hurt My Social Security Benefits?

Dear Rusty: I will turn 66 in June of next year. I do not plan to stop working but I do plan on starting to collect my Social Security. How soon can I start to collect without having to give…

Ask Rusty – Confused About Survivor Benefits

Dear Rusty: My husband passed away in 2013 just a few days short of his 63rd birthday. I was 56 at the time and when I went into the Social Security office to notify them of his death I was…

Ask Rusty – Paying Income Taxes on Social Security Benefits

Dear Rusty:  I understand that after I reach full retirement age, I no longer have a limit on how much I earn. I retired one year early (65), and am now 76, but I am still being taxed on a…

Ask Rusty – About Medicare and Social Security

Dear Rusty: I know that when a person turns 65 he or she must enroll in Medicare. I have been informed that the charge for this would be deducted from the Social Security benefit, if it has been claimed. Otherwise,…

Ask Rusty – How Is My Benefit Amount Determined?

Dear Rusty: I am 60 years old. I have worked full time since age 22. I am thinking about working part-time ages 62-65. When I start collecting my social security benefit sometime after age 65, will my monthly amount be…

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