Q & A
Ask Rusty – Maximizing Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am currently 68 and am waiting to take maximum benefits at age 70. I have been retired for 3 and a half years. My wife turned 62 in February of this year. She stopped working around 1994.…
Ask Rusty – Widower Seeking Answers About Social Security
Dear Rusty: I have two questions. My wife passed away in May of 2015, and I never received any of her benefits. Should I have? Also, I am now 62, turning 63 next month. I am still working and probably…
Ask Rusty – Why should a Veteran Pay for Medicare?
Dear Rusty: I am a Veteran and all my Medical needs are covered by the VA. Why should I be paying for Medicare out of my monthly SS check? Signed: Inquiring Veteran Dear Inquiring Veteran: Well, it depends upon how…
Ask Rusty – Spousal Benefits and Enrolling in Medicare
Dear Rusty: I will be 65 In March. Husband will be 61 In August. If I started collecting Social Security now would I only be able to collect on myself? My husband plans on collecting at 62. Will I be…
Ask Rusty – Using Health Savings Account (HSA) Funds while on Medicare
Dear Rusty: My understanding is that once I’m on Medicare the HSA cannot be used. I have prescriptions that cost more with the Medicare Insurance than paying cash, so why can’t I use the HSA to pay for these types…
Ask Rusty – Social Security for couple with large age difference
Dear Rusty: My wife is 63 and I’m 55. I’ve been the breadwinner for 37 years and draw almost $2000 per month tax free from VA disability for life. I’m also still working until I’m 60 or 62, not sure…
Ask Rusty – Confused about enrolling in Medicare and Social Security
Dear Rusty: I will be 64 years old in 2019 and thinking about Social Security. My full retirement age is 66 and 2 months, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to get the most out of my…
Ask Rusty – Will my benefit be the same as my current SS statement says?
Dear Rusty: I recently retired after over 40 years in the construction industry. I’m 60 years young and my wife and I recently moved south to enjoy retirement in a new and milder environment. At this point, we do not…
Ask Rusty – Spouse Benefits vs. Survivor Benefits from Husband Who Delayed
Dear Rusty: My husband is taking retirement next year and we went through the application process yesterday. No surprises until we found out that his delayed benefits do not apply to spousal benefits. His whole purpose of delaying retirement was…
Ask Rusty – What Percent of my Benefit will my Spouse Get?
Dear Rusty: I have heard many different answers on this but there are so many scenarios I can’t seem to find an answer to mine. My wife and I were both born in 1959 and we both turn 60 next…