Q & A

Ask Rusty – Optimum Time for Wife’s Benefits

Dear Rusty:  I would like some advice on the optimum time for my wife to start drawing her Social Security. Pertinent facts are: I am 11 years older than her (born in 1949) and waited until my full retirement age…

Ask Rusty – Legal Non-Citizen Resident Gets Spousal Benefits

Dear Rusty:  We have gone to the Social Security office because we were told that my husband might be eligible to receive Social Security benefits, but they told him he had not worked enough quarters and that he could not…

Ask Rusty – Spouse Doesn’t Qualify on Her Own

Dear Rusty:  I reached my full retirement age on 6/24/2017 and I plan to file for my benefits to start in June 2018.  My wife doesn’t have enough credits to qualify for benefits on her own lifetime income, but she…

Ask Rusty – Allocating small business income to husband & wife

Dear Rusty:  My wife and I own a small company, so we can allocate our pay as we wish. She had not paid into Social Security in her career so 6 years ago her pay was increased so she paid…

Ask Rusty – Why the big deal about COLA increases?

Dear Rusty:  Seems like everyone makes a big deal out of the annual Social Security increase. The way I see it, why bother? For the 2017 benefit year my wife’s Social Security increased by .03% but her Medicare increased by…

Ask Rusty – Turning 70 and Still Working: What about Social Security?

Dear Rusty:  I turn 70 on March 13, 2018 and I’m single. I was told to apply for Social Security one month before I turn 70, but now I’m hearing that I should have applied 4 months in advance. I…

Ask Rusty – Restricted Application for Divorced Spouse

Dear Rusty: I’ve recently started reading your column on Social Security and am learning a lot! My particular question is this: I was born in November 1953 so my full retirement age is 66, which is coming up faster than…

Ask Rusty – Social Security, Military Pension and Disability

Dear Rusty:  I am 61 years old.  I have a disability rating from the VA and I draw a military pension for my years of service.  How might my disability rating and my military pension affect my Social Security? Signed:…

Ask Rusty – Doing a Breakeven Analysis

Dear Rusty:  I’m in a bit of quandary trying to decide whether I should take my Social Security now at 62, or wait until some later time, like maybe when I’m 66. I know that I’ll get less money by…

Ask Rusty – Should my wife wait until age 66 to claim benefits?

Dear Rusty:  I will be at my full retirement age of 66 in June.  I now work part time and plan to continue for the foreseeable future.  My wife will be 63 in June. She now works full time but…

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