Q & A

Ask Rusty – Can I Re-marry, or not?

Dear Rusty:  After a pretty difficult 32 years of marriage and ugly divorce a few years ago, I finally found the man of my dreams.  We’d like to get married, but I’m collecting spousal benefits from my ex’s Social Security…

Ask Rusty – Government Pension Offset (GPO) & Maximizing Benefits

Dear Rusty:  I recently retired from my job after 35 years at the U.S. Department of Defense.   I know I’m not eligible for Social Security because I was part of the CSRS pension program and never had FICA taxes withheld…

Ask Rusty: Unmarried Couple – Stopping benefits after death and survivors benefits

Dear Rusty:   A couple I am friends with has lived together for over 45 years.  Unfortunately, he died last week and she is unsure about what happens to his Social Security benefits now that he has passed away. She’s also…

Ask Rusty – How is my Benefit Amount Calculated?

Dear Rusty:  A friend and I, both approaching 62 years old, were discussing Social Security the other day, and he said that they take the average of your highest 10 years of earnings to figure out what your benefit is.…

Ask Rusty – Earnings Test

Dear Rusty:  I’m 62 and still working but would like to get Social Security because we could sure use the extra money.  I’ve heard that if I keep working that my Social Security benefit will be less, so now I…

Ask Rusty – Remarried Ex-Spouse

Dear Rusty:  I was married to my husband for 6 years when we divorced in May of 1996.  Over the next year or so we felt we had resolved our differences and decided to re-marry in July of 1997.  Although…

Ask Rusty – Benefit Payment Schedule & Payment Method

Dear Rusty:  I’m approaching my full retirement age and about to apply for my Social Security benefits, but I would like to time receipt of my payment to the first of the month when I make out my bills.  I’ve…

Ask Rusty – Do Over Option

Dear Rusty:   I just recently turned 62 and have not yet filed for Social Security, but I’m wondering – Is it possible to start my Social Security benefits at age 62, take benefits for about  6 months just to get…

Ask Rusty – Restricted Application

Dear Rusty:  I am 66 years of age and have not yet claimed Social Security because I want to wait until I’m 70 and get the higher benefit.  My wife, who is 68, is already collecting her benefits having started…

Ask Rusty – Hold Harmless Provision

Dear Rusty:  I’m totally confused after a conversation with some friends about Social Security and Medicare.   All three of us are 68, but two of my friends are already collecting Social Security while I’m waiting to apply so I can…

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