Q & A

Will my income affect my Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments?

Answer: We consider your income when deciding whether you can get SSI. WHY IS INCOME IMPORTANT IN THE SSI PROGRAM? Generally, the more countable income you have, the less your SSI benefit will be. If your countable income is over the…

Does Social Security provide benefits for short-term disabilities?

Complete Question: I got a new job last month and it takes three months to get any PTO. Unfortunately, I got into a car accident and have been severely injured. I have broken ribs and a broken leg. My doctor…

Can I withdraw my Social Security retirement claim and reapply later to increase my benefit amount?

Answer: Unexpected changes may occur after you apply to start your Social Security retirement benefits. If you change your mind, you may be able to withdraw your Social Security claim and re-apply at a future date. However, you must do this…

Will withdrawals from my individual retirement account affect my Social Security benefits?

Answer: Social Security does not count pension payments, annuities, or the interest or dividends from your savings and investments as earnings. They do not lower your Social Security retirement benefits. Source: Social Security Administration Notice: The link provided above connects readers…

How many Trust Funds comprise Social Security and Medicare?

Answer: Congress established trust funds managed by the Secretary of the Treasury to account for Social Security and Medicare income and disbursements. The Treasury credits Social Security and Medicare taxes, premiums, and other income to the funds. There are four separate…

What’s the Difference Between EPOs, PPOs, and HMOs?

Answer: When picking a health plan, comparing an EPO vs HMO, or an EPO vs PPO, can be confusing. Think of EPO health insurance as a cross-breed between an HMO and a PPO; an EPO has some of the characteristics of…

Should I apply for Disability or regular Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: I wanted to apply for Social Security at 62, but quickly realized that the reduced benefits were too low and I needed to work until age 66 for full benefits (I also do not have 35 years of…

Medicare: Answer:What Does “Medically Necessary” Mean?

Answer: Medicare will only pay for services that are considered to be medically necessary. According to Medicare, services or supplies are considered medically necessary if they: Are proper and needed for diagnosis, or treatment of your medical condition. Are provided for…

Why does my statement show a different benefit amount for disability and regular Social Security?

Complete Question: I just turned 45, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at my statement of estimated benefits. As expected, it showed my different estimated benefit amounts for early retirement (62), full retirement…

Can Social Security Be Garnished?

Answer: If creditors and debt collectors are hounding you for money, you may wonder: Can Social Security be garnished? The answer is: It depends on to whom you owe money. Banks and other financial creditors can’t touch your Social Security benefits, but…

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