Q & A

What is the best way for my parents to maximize their Social Security benefits?

Complete Question: I want to help my parents maximize their Social Security benefits. My father is 73 and collects $2,510/month. My mother is 63 years-old and she has not started collecting yet, but she is planning on retiring soon. Since…

What happens after a disability hearing?

Social Security Disability – What happens after my hearing? If you have filed a claim for Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and are denied on both your Initial Application and your Request for Reconsideration, you are…

What is the purpose of WEP and GPO?

Complete Question: I am a teacher, so not surprisingly I will get a teacher’s pension. A fellow teacher in my school just retired and was very upset when she applied for Social Security. Apparently, because she’s getting a teacher’s pension,…

Can I receive Social Security and continue to work?

Complete Question: I just turned 65 years old and went to file for Social Security and Medicare at the same time. I’m still working, but don’t have health insurance through my employer. When I called the Social Security office, they…

No extra payments for extra disability

Complete Question: I currently receive Social Security disability benefits. I now have a second serious disability. Can my monthly benefit amount be increased? Answer: No. Your Social Security disability benefit amount is based on the amount of your…Read more…  …

What’s the difference between File and Suspend and Restricted Application?

Complete Question: Even though I’m 66, I’m not ready to retire. If I did, my Social Security benefit would be $1,500. My wife, on the other hand, is 64 and she was forced into early retirement, so she wants to start…

When is the earliest you can start collecting Social Security?

Complete Question: I know that it’s not the most popular thing to do to collect Social Security as soon as you’re eligible at 62, but some of us just have to do it. I did hear something strange, though, that I…

How is the spousal benefit reduction calculated?

Complete Question: I know the major advice is to take your Social Security at age 70, but my husband and I just can’t afford to do that. So we’re just trying to think of the best way to get our benefits…

When should my wife and I apply for Social Security?

Complete Question: I am 66, but still working. My wife is 62. She’s still working, but is planning on quitting soon. We’re not sure when to apply for Social Security because we don’t really understand all the rules. For example,…

How does the government justify paying high benefits to high earners who didn’t pay taxes?

Complete Question: From what I understand, our Social Security benefits are determined based on our highest 35 years of earnings. However, there is a maximum amount of income that is subject to Social Security tax. That really doesn’t seem fair.…

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