Q & A
I’m single with no kids…who will get my survivor’s Social Security benefits?
Complete Question: I’m currently 71 years old and started getting my Social Security payments about 5 years ago. I have no children, wife, or other dependents. I was only married once for a brief period when I was in my…
Can criminals get Social Security benefits?
Complete Question: There has been a lot of talk about Social Security running out of funding to pay benefits. Have they thought about not paying benefits to criminals? Is there any law currently on the books about this? Answer: Actually, there…
How does the government handle Social Security funding?
Complete Question: I know that Social Security is paid for by taxes from employment. But what happens after that? With all the hype I’ve been hearing about the country running out of social security funds, I would like to know…
My wife is on disability…Am I eligible for survivor’s benefits based on her disability benefits?
Complete Question: My wife has been on disability for many years. Before that, I had only thought about surviving spouse benefits in terms of what she would receive based on my retirement benefit. Unfortunately, things have taken a turn for…
Is the earnings limit different if you’re self-employed?
Complete Question: I am currently self-employed and will be starting my Social Security benefits this year. I keep hearing that the annual earnings limit is different if you are self-employed, but don’t know how it’s different. Can you explain how…
I heard the full retirement age for Social Security will be 67…when is that going to happen?
Complete Question: I keep hearing that the full retirement age for Social Security benefits is going to increase to 67 years old. I’m currently 54 (born in 1958). Will my full retirement age be 66 or 67? Answer: Actually, it…
Is it always the best idea to file when you’re 70-years-old?
Complete Question: I see a lot of advice out there about waiting until you’re 70 years old to file for Social Security benefits. Is there any reason NOT to do that? Answer: You are right in that a lot of…
What is defined as income for the earnings limit?
Complete Question: I am going to get Social Security benefits and I am not yet 66. I was told I will be subject to the earnings limit. I only work part-time, but I also have income from investments and some…
When does the earnings limit start? I’m applying for benefits in June but will reach the earnings limit before then.
Complete Question: I am 63 years old and will start taking my Social Security benefits in June, 2015. When I talked to the Social Security office, they advised me that after I start receiving Social Security I will have a…
Should I sign up for Medicare even though I’m not getting Social Security until I’m 66?
Complete Question: I do not want to get Social Security until I’m 66 so I can get my full benefit amount. I will be 64 next month. I planned on working until the age of 66, but my employer recently…