Q & A

Is There Any ‘Extra Help’ is available to cover Medicare Part D expenses?

Full Question: I have a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D). The premium is about $32 a month and I have copayments and co-insurances that vary according to the tier assigned to each medication. I take several prescription drugs, and it…

Do you have to pay income taxes on Social Security benefits?

Full Question: From what I’ve read, if a married couple has annual withdrawals from 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts or pensions that exceed a certain amount, the couple’s Social Security benefits may be taxed. Is that true? Answer: You’re absolutely right. When…

I’m trying to decide when to retire. Can Social Security help?

Answer: Deciding when to retire is a personal choice, and you should consider a number of factors, but we can certainly help. First, take a few minutes and open a My Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount With an account, you can…

I’ve decided I want to retire. How do I begin?

Answer: The fastest and easiest way to apply for retirement benefits is to go to www.socialsecurity.gov/applyonline. To use our online application to apply for Social Security retirement or spouse’s benefits, you must: Be at least 61 years and 9 months old; want…

A friend said I should tell Social Security my new address even through payments goes directly to my bank. Why?

Answer: Using regular mail, Social Security mails you information about your ongoing benefits. Correspondence is not sent by email. You can miss important information by not keeping your address current. You also have a responsibility to report some types of information…

My husband and I are not divorced but have lived apart for many years. Can I still receive Social Security through his record?

Answer:  Living together is not required for Social Security spousal benefits as a wife or husband. Your individual Social Security Administration retirement amounts might prevent spousal benefits but living apart while married will not. In addition, having lived apart will not…

Does Social Security provide special services or information for people who are blind or visually impaired?

Answer: Yes. Social Security offers a number of services and products specifically designed for people who are blind or visually impaired. You can choose to receive notices and other information from Social Security in ways that may be more convenient for you.…

Can taking benefits early mean no spousal benefits?

Full Question: My wife started drawing her Social Security at age 62. I started my own Social Security at age 66. When I started drawing my benefit, my wife requested that her payment on her record be suspended so she could…

Do You Have to Pay Income Taxes on Social Security Benefits?

Full question: From what I’ve read, if a married couple has annual withdrawals from 401(k)s, IRAs or pensions that exceed a certain amount, their Social Security benefits may be taxed. Is that true? Answer: You’re absolutely right. When it comes to income…

Where do Social Security Payments Made by Undocumented Workers Go?

Answer: Many employers are familiar with the following scenario: You hire someone, put them on payroll and deduct taxes from their checks automatically – just like you do with all employees. You then find out through an audit by U.S. Immigration…

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