Q & A

How do I earn Social Security credits?

Answer:  “Social Security credit” (sometimes referred to as a “quarter of coverage”) is the measure of your work under the Social Security program. We use your total covered yearly earnings from both wages and/or net earnings from self-employment to compute Social…

How can I calculate my own retirement benefit estimate?

Answer: We suggest you use our Retirement Estimator at www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator. Our Retirement Estimator produces estimates based on your actual Social Security earnings record, so it’s a personalized, instant picture of your future estimated benefit. Also, you can use it to test…

How can I verify employees’ Social Security numbers?

Answer: Employers can use our Social Security Number Verification Service to verify the names and Social Security numbers of current and former employees for wage reporting purposes.    Source: Social Security Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content of the posted…

How can I calculate my own retirement benefit estimate?

What is the Experian verification process you use to set up a “my Social Security” online account?

Answer: From Social Security – You must give us your identifying information and answer security questions to pass verification. First, we match the personal information you give us with the data we have in our records. Then, we use Experian, an…

What is a Non-service connected disability pension?

Answer: If you are a veteran who is 65 years old or older, or “permanently and totally” disabled, you may be eligible for the VA Non-service Connected Disability Pension (NSC). The VA NSC pension is a program that provides financial support to…

Can my Social Security disability benefits be garnished for child support?

Answer: Yes, we can withhold Social Security benefits to enforce your legal obligation to pay child support, alimony or restitution. State laws determine a valid garnishment order. By law, we garnish current and continuing monthly benefits. We do not make retroactive…

I had additional earnings after I retired; will my monthly Social Security retirement benefit increase?

Answer: Each year (Social Security) reviews the records for all working Social Security recipients to see if additional earnings may increase their monthly benefit amounts. If an increase is due, (Social Security) will figure a new benefit amount and pay the…

What is the special rule about earnings in the first year of retirement?

Answer: Sometimes people younger than full retirement age retire in the middle of the year and have already earned more than the yearly earnings limit. There is a special rule that applies to earnings for one year, usually the first year…

What is the maximum Social Security retirement benefit payable?

Answer: The maximum benefit depends on the age you retire. For example, if you retire at full retirement age in 2014, your maximum benefit would be $2,642. However, if you retire at age 62 in 2014, your maximum benefit would be $1,992. If you retire at age 70…

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