Getting Real on Social Security and Immigration - AMAC & The Motley Fool

Sean Williams seeks to clarify and explain just how immigration and Social Security work in concert with each other. Williams notes immigration is a two-part story. Data demonstrate how important legal immigration is to the inner workings of America’s top retirement program. He also examines the impact undocumented workers have. That group is not able to receive a traditional retired-worker benefit from Social Security, nor are they eligible for disability insurance coverage or survivor benefits. Williams stresses any Internet claims that suggest undocumented workers are receiving benefits from the traditional (key word!) Social Security program is false. Williams concedes asylum seekers entering the U.S. may be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Although the Social Security Administration oversees traditional Social Security and SSI, these programs are funded differently. Whereas traditional Social Security generates income from the payroll tax, taxing benefits, and collecting interest income on its asset reserves, SSI payments are funded by the General Fund. If an undocumented migrant is receiving SSI, this is not the same as “getting a Social Security benefit.” An SSI payout has no bearing on the health of the Social Security program. Full piece here.