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Is Your Local Social Security Office Open? - Social Security Administration
The Social Security Administration has over 1,200 field offices providing services to local communities throughout the United States and it’s territories. And, although you can now do a large number of transactions online at or through your personal “my Social Security” online account, sometimes it’s necessary for you to speak directly to a representative, or even make an in-person visit to your local office. You may already know where your local office is, but sometimes that office may not be able to provide full service due to usually temporary circumstances (e.g., staffing, weather, etc.) and it would sure be nice to know that before calling or visiting. And to help you with that, Social Security provides you with the ability to see whether your local Social Security office is currently operating with service restrictions. Click on this link to see a list of all Social Security field offices by State and their operational status. While you’re there you can “subscribe” to automatically get an email notification whenever any Social Security office in your State is not able to provide full service. And knowing this information could save you a lot of time trying to contact that office by phone, or making a trip to visit an office which has temporarily suspended in-person service. Click here to access Social Security’s field office status listing and subscribe to notifications of status changes.