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More on the Age 62 Filing Question
In an earlier post in today’s “Latest News” lineup, we shared a perspective from a leading Social Security commentator on the thought processes that accompany the question on whether it makes sense to claim benefits at the earliest possible point, age 62. Here’s another post on that same issue, but from a different perspective. The staff at The Motley Fool, in a post on, takes a look at the math associated with filing at 62, and addresses several scenarios where it still might make sense to claim early and absorb the reduced benefit. The post also recaps the Social Security premise that the early filing reductions, as well as the deferred filing increases, reflect the underlying assumption “that for a person who lives an average-length life, no matter what age they start collecting benefits at, they should receive roughly the same total amount of money from the program over the course of their retirement.”
Read the full Motley Fool post here.