National Journal: Social Security Cliff Could Be Key 2016 GOP Issue

A looming Social Security cliff could play a role in the Republican primaries for the 2016 presidential election, according to a new report. National Journal details the issue, which involves Social Security’s disability fund. That program will start running out of money in late 2016, and a 20 percent cut in benefits would provide the fix. The sensitive nature of how to repair the Social Security system, however, is not an easy answer. Republican candidates in the presidential race might have no choice than to tackle the issue head on and propose solutions….
Dan Weber, the founder of the Association of Mature American Citizens, recently said on Newsmax TV’s “America’s Forum” that the Social Security system is in “great trouble.” “Social Security is in great trouble,” Weber said. “Unless something is done this year, people receiving disability will get a 20 percent cut. In 13-18 years, everyone on Social Security will have their benefits cut 23 percent.” Weber said his organization proposed a solution, however. Read more…