Navigating Medicare’s “Open Enrollment” Period

As just about everyone has noticed – from the plethora of TV ads and unsolicited phone calls – we are now in the annual “Medicare Open Enrollment” period which started on October 15th and will end on December 7th. Until it’s over you can expect continuing TV ads by celebrities assuring you that just calling one number will get you the best possible deal, and continuing phone calls from people you don’t know who want to “help” you. It’s all part of the annual ritual permitting you to change your Medicare healthcare plan. Confusing isn’t an adequate word to describe the myriad plan options available to you (over 24,000), and the frenetic chaos of TV ads and phone calls is enough to make your head spin. However, this Forbes article by Alena Hall offers some sanity among the chaos by describing how Medicare works, the types of supplemental plans available, and how to seek out an independent broker to guide you. Click here to read more.
Additional note: If you’re seeking an independent broker with access to a multitude of plans from a wide variety of insurance providers, you may wish to contact AMAC’s Medicare department at 1.800.334.9330, or AMAC’s agents aren’t commissioned and have no goal other than to present you with coverage options which fit your healthcare needs and cost objectives.