SSA Annual Statistical Supplement, 2014, Available

The Social Security Annual Statistical Supplement, 2014, is available now. Prepared annually since 1940, the Supplement is a major resource for data on our nation’s social insurance and welfare programs. The majority of the statistical tables present information about programs administered by the Social Security Administration—the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program (OASDI), known collectively as Social Security, and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

In addition, data are presented on the major health care programs—Medicare and Medicaid—and social insurance programs, including workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, temporary disability insurance, Black Lung benefits, and veterans’ benefits. The Supplement also includes program summaries and legislative histories that help users of the data understand these programs. There is a wealth of useful information in the Supplement. View the Table of Contents and find the topics of interest to you. Read more…


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