SSA Workforce Reductions Translate to Problems for Beneficiaries

Several years of budget cuts have led to the closing of more than 60 Social Security field offices, resulting in a substantial reduction in the number of hours available across existing Social Security staff to handle questions from those needing guidance and advice regarding this complex program. This conclusion, drawn by The Motley Fool’s Selena Maranjian and supported by comments from the 2016 General Accounting Office study on this subject, suggests that beneficiaries and folks aging into Social Security need to do their own homework to better understand the program. Likewise, Ms. Maranjian suggests, in an article posted on, the importance of staying informed on legislation affecting Social Security, and recommends a hands-on approach to making representatives in Washington aware of concerns with any proposed changes to the System.
For readers having questions about their individual Social Security situation, know that the AMAC Foundation operates a free-to-the-public service through which questions can be submitted for research and response from Certified Social Security Advisors. Learn more about this service here… In addition, know that AMAC, Inc. is actively in the forefront of the fight to address the problems facing America’s Social Security program. Put simply, the program is paying out more than it’s taking in, causing a gradual depletion of the Social Security Trust Fund. If left unchecked, projections are that this depletion will cause the Trust Fund balances to be exhausted by 2034, with the result being a scale-down of payments—as much as 25%—to Social Security recipients. Learn more about AMAC’s efforts on this front at