AMAC Foundation

SSA Website Upgrades Driven by Customer Feedback

In an era of improving the customer experience, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has implemented significant improvements to its online presence, as explained by SSA’s acting chief business officer, Eric Powers n an interview with Federal News Network reporter Tom…

Another Indictment of Social Security’s COLA and its Inadequacy

Sure, the 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment showing up beginning this month in beneficiaries’ monthly payments is welcomed relief, but the question of how well it compensates for inflation is subject to frequent questions. In a post by Bram Berkowitz, the…

Questions About Social Security?

As always, the new year brings a spate of questions about Social Security, usually in terms of new limits going into effect. This year, of course, there’s a fair amount of interest in knowing how much of the 8.7% cost-of-living…

CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress

 A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security…

Ask Rusty – Will My Work Earnings Affect My Social Security Benefits?

Dear Rusty: I am presently 67 years of age and am still working full time. I am receiving Medicare coverage, but I have not yet applied for monthly Social Security payments. I have been told that I can take SS…

Ask Rusty – Should I Claim Social Security Now? 

Dear Rusty: I am 68 years old, born in July 1954. I have the credits necessary to qualify for benefits. The Social Security website says that if I continue to work to age 70 with yearly earnings of $206,000, my…

NCOA Sounds Alarm on Senior Benefits Going Unclaimed

In a post yesterday on, Ramsey Alwin (President and CEO of the National Council on Aging), expressed concern that “Every year, older adults leave…$16 billion in benefits on the table because they simply don’t know about them.” As an…

Social Security Benefits can Evolve Along With Your Life Situations

Planning for future participation in Social Security is an evolving situation. As you reach–and pass–certain milestones in life, the availability of benefits under this massive senior benefit program can likewise evolve. As discussed in an post by Vance Cariaga,…

“Unretiring” Has Become an Option for Many Dealing With the Economy…But be Careful!

We’re in a pretty tough economy right now, and the outlook for the near term doesn’t look promising. As a result, and perhaps spurred on by the constant barrage of “help wanted” postings and cries of “worker shortages” we hear…

One More Time: When Should I Take Social Security Benefits?

It’s not always a simple decision, and it’s one of the most frequently-encountered questions most financial planners receive from their clients. Here, in a less-than-three-minute video clip from Fox 2 St. Louis, is a summary view of points to consider…

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