AMAC Foundation

Potential Social Security Changes Under New Administration

President Trump has already made changes during his first day in office. So far we do not know when or if there will be changes to Social Security. His main agenda is to eliminate federal taxes on Social Security benefits.…

Migrant Contributions to Social Security

Millions of migrants living in the United States illegally pay into Social Security but are not eligible to collect it. Mass deportations could affect the financial solvency of the program. Jeff Arnold for NewsNation explains here… As an example of…

Is There a “Best” Age to take Social Security benefits?

There are many perspectives on this question. Here at the AMAC Foundation, we tell people to consider their finances, health and family longevity when making the decision. The hard part of this is that no one knows when they will…

Are you Ready for Retirement?

Jeffrey Quiggle discusses Social Security and 401(k)s with best selling author Suze Orman. Social Security is not enough and could possibly be reduced in 2033. How can you be prepared for a cut in benefits? Read here… As an example…

How Should Social Security be Reformed?

According to an Article by Marc Gulberti the Social Security Fairness Act will harm the budget and create roadblocks in the future, while government retirees will get overly generous Social Security benefits that no other senior citizens in the country…

Effect of Eliminating Taxes on Social Security Benefits

It’s true that no longer paying federal taxes on Social Security benefits would put more money in Senior’s pockets. However, what would the impact be on Social Security if this avenue of income stopped coming in to the Trust Fund.…

A Clear Perspective on Whether or Not Congress has Stolen From Social Security

The popular opinion you may see on Social Media is that Social Security’s financial woes are caused by the fact that Congress stole money from Social Security and never paid it back. What is the real reason for the situation?…

Examining the Retirement Earnings Test

Social Security regulations stipulate that upon beginning retirement, spousal, or survivor benefits, beneficiaries are considered “retired” and expected to leave the workforce. Current regulations allow for continued earning from employment for those who claim benefits before their full retirement age…

Breaking News: Social Security & Medicare aren’t Going Bankrupt!!

In the true sense of the word, neither Social Security nor Medicare is in any danger of going “bankrupt.” However, that doesn’t mean that both programs are not having financial difficulties. Indeed they are, but the worst case scenario is…

The Social Security Fairness Act – Patience is suggested

With the enactment of H.R. 82 – the Social Security Fairness Act – many are wondering what affect, if any, this new law may have on their personal Social Security benefit. For starters, you should know that unless you have…

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