A Blunt Perspective on Social Security and Medicare

With Social Security and Medicare so prominent in the news these days, viewpoints on what the future will bring for these massive senior benefit programs are as varied as they are frequent. Yesterday afternoon, for example, TV host and syndicated…

Social Security’s Place in Your Retirement Strategy

It’s no secret that a retirement financial plan calling for total reliance on Social Security is doomed to present continuous struggles. In fact, as noted in the previous article posted in our “Latest News” section (click here), the average monthly…

Social Security’s Solvency Problem: Have Prospects for Resolution Dimmed?

The week now drawing to a close has been volatile on many political fronts, perhaps few more explosive than that of Social Security’s impending solvency issue. Despite the display of agreement expressed during Tuesday’s State of the Union event, it’s…

Social Security Briefly Takes Center Stage at SOTU

President Joe Biden momentarily waded into the Social Security minefield at last night’s State of the Union address with an implication that Republican leadership is advocating sunsetting of Medicare and Social Security. His remarks triggered a chorus of dissent from…

Washington has some big ideas for how to fix the Social Security problem

The Social Security program was never intended to be the sole source of income for American workers in their retirement. However, according to the Social Security Administration, more than 50% of seniors aged 65 and above rely on Social Security…

CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress

 A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security…

A Summary of Bi-Partisan Suggestions for the Social Security Dilemma

As the calendar continues to advance toward commencement of the 118th Congress, we’re seeing an uptick in reports of potential changes that could be considered to address this thorny and complex problem. In a post today on, The Motley…

An Argument for Age 70 Full Retirement Age

As the rhetoric heats up in advance of the 118th Congress and the potential heightening of interest in finally taking a serious look at resolving the long-known financial crisis facing Social Security, we’re beginning to see more and more news…

Social Security and the Debt Ceiling Argument

Douglas A. McIntyre, co-founder, chief executive officer and editor-in-chief of sounds the alarm for Social Security in the midst of negotiations on the nation’s debt ceiling. In his post, which you can read in full here, McIntyre suggests that failure…

The Political Landmine That Social Security Regrettably Continues to be

There’s a reason almost no politician talks about reforming Social Security, even in the face of its looming insolvency. “Touch it, and you die” is the way most have described the program for decades. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the…

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