Op-ed: Don’t Raise Retirement Age. But is that advice even possible?

That Social Security needs reform is generally not in dispute. Reasonable people on all sides usually differ over how to shore up the program, not whether it needs shoring up. But Alicia Munnell of MarketWatch curiously seems not to acknowledge…

Social Security’s Problems Should be Above Politics and Pandering

A plethora of bills are routinely introduced in every new Congress, mostly by Democrats, promising higher benefits, whether in the form of cost of living adjustments, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with all of the proposals,…

Social Security Solvency: Sounding the Alarm (Again)

Meaningful Social Security reform has not actively been undertaken since the early 1980s, and the consequences are now evident. The program is now less than 15 years away from exhaustion of its once-considerable cash reserves–in fact, some creditable studies have…

A Preview of Potential Social Security Changes

As we’ve reported on this website persistently over the past several years, Social Security is facing a long-term solvency issue. Not bankruptcy, as the rumor mill frequently suggests, but rather the inability to fully pay the benefits promised to beneficiaries who…

The Debate on Payroll Tax Elimination

President Trump, in a Coronavirus Task Force briefing yesterday, discussed his thoughts on cutting and/or eliminating the payroll tax withheld by employers, thereby generating immediate financial relief for workers. The 7.65% payroll tax (6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare) represents…

Social Security and the Candidates: Who’s Saying What?

Political footballs are nothing new, especially in an election year. And Social Security reform has, as expected, risen to the attention of the remaining candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination. Just take a look at the exchange of viewpoints that surfaced…

The Myth Goes on: Millennials Believe Social Security Will Disappear

As NerdWallet’s Liz Weston trumpets in the opening of her article posted today on, “Few issues unite millennials like the future of Social Security. Overwhelmingly, they’re convinced it doesn’t have one.” Ms. Weston cites the results of a recent Transamerica survey…

That “Lack of Retirement Savings” Issue Again!

“Nearly a third of adults age 50 and over admit they’re not prepared for retirement, according to a poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In addition, another 39% of older adults say they’re only somewhat prepared…

Deficit Spending and the Consequences Ahead

For anyone following the economy these days (and who isn’t, given the stock market antics over the past few weeks), the fact that we’re approaching a national debt level of $22 trillion in the very near future is well known. An…

Will the Trend of Waiting to File Reverse in the Years Ahead?

While age 62 remains a very popular age to file for Social Security benefits, with more than 60% choosing this option just a few years ago, there has been a statistical trend away from early filing. As more and more…

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