
Illegal Immigrants and Social Security: A Quirky Situation

It’s kind of a reversal of the oft-repeated mythical allegation that illegal immigrants are receiving Social Security benefits. (This allegation, incidentally, conflates Supplemental Security Income, which is not Social Security and Social Security benefits, and is miscommunicated repeatedly in social…

Rumor Clean-Up Time: Illegal Immigrants and Social Security

Without question, the issue of immigration is foremost on the minds of many Americans these days. The 2024 presidential election cycle consistently creates commentary about the state of our immigration system, the policies associated with it, and the financial impacts…

Beyond the Long-Term Solvency Issue, There are Other Threats Facing Social Security

America’s Social Security System has experienced some disruptive events in the recent past, several of which have caused considerable anxiety for the public and especially for future beneficiaries. Four major disturbances are described in a post on written by…

Immigration Emerges in the Social Security Debate (Again)

In an analysis of GOP presidential candidate Trump’s recent remarks about Social Security’s looming financial crisis, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams cited the candidate’s campaign position on the program as “flawed” and pointed out several fundamental points omitted from its…

A Beyond-the-Obvious Look at Social Security’s Problems

Yes, the baby boomers who contributed so much to the funding of Social Security over the years are retiring, and that brings with it a two-fold impact: fewer workers paying FICA tax, and more retirees drawing benefits. In addition, we…

H.R. 4005 – Tax Identity Protection Act Proposed to Address Computer System Shortfalls

Citing known deficiencies in the computer systems supporting the Taxpayer Identification Number Perfection Program, Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA), and nine Republican co-sponsors late last week submitted H.R.4005, the Tax Identity Protection Act. The Act calls for the Internal Revenue Service to provide evidence…

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