What is an IRA recharacterization?

IRA recharacterization is a strategy that changes the type of IRA for a specific contribution. Recharacterizing gives you the opportunity to change your mind or correct a mistake. However, there are deadlines and rules for recharacterizing IRA contributions. Rebecca Lake…

Recapping the CARES Act’s Impact on Retirement Investments

The provisions of the Caronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, have the potential to impact the retirement strategies followed by investors. U.S. News and World Report contributor Josh Goulding, in an article titled “How Does the CARES…

401k Loan Limits and the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law March 27 offers some much-needed financial relief for folks battered by the pandemic’s economic fallout. In addition to cash payments, improved unemployment benefits, small business support, and other…

What Is a Backdoor IRA?

As Todd Campbell explains in this Motley Fool article, there’s no such thing as an official backdoor Roth IRA.  Because high-income earners cannot directly contribute after-tax money to a Roth IRA, they must fund one through the backdoor approach.  Note, traditional IRAs have no income…

Strategic Thinking on Deferred Compensation Withdrawals

With hundreds of thousands of 401k and IRA millionaires now looking at using these funds to support retirement, its time to recognize the importance of tax-effective strategies for withdrawals. In a post on, contributor Stephen Chen takes a look at strategies…

Reflections on President Trump’s Executive Order on Retirement Savings

As the Labor Day Holiday Weekend arrived, President Trump traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina to officially sign his latest Executive Order, “Strengthening Retirement Security in America.” As explained in the numerous media accounts of the event, this presidential directive is aimed…

The Hidden Impact of Drawing from Retirement Funds Early

Just about everybody knows that the pathway to a secure and comfortable retirement is the accumulation of a nest egg. And one of the surest ways to build this nest egg is to stick to a steady plan of contributing…

No 401k? Don’t Give Up…You Still Have Options

The problem of inadequate wealth accumulation for one’s future retirement security is an issue appearing frequently–some would say constantly–in the financial media these days. You’ve no doubt seen the statistics, like the National Institute on Retirement Security’s conclusion that  66% of people…

Are RMDs in Your Future This Year?

If you reached age 70 and a half in 2017, you need to know that this is the point at which Required Minimum Distributions on your deferred compensation plans kick in. As contributor Kerri Anne Renzulli reports, “Sunday, April 1,…

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