life expectancy

Attitudes Toward Retirement Are Shifting

It seems the thought of picking a retirement date and walking away is a thing of the past. The 2024 Annual Retirement Study from Allianz Life seems to support this attitude change, with nearly half of survey participants indicating an…

Plans to Work Later in Life and Ageism…A Growing Problem?

Senior-oriented media accounts of retirement plans for those approaching that stage of life often suggest that most Americans are likely to remain in the workforce well past becoming eligible for Social Security benefits. A good plan for many folks, given…

Americans’ Life Expectancy Continues to Nosedive

Following a rebound uptick from the COVID pandemic, the life expectancy statistics resumed their downward trend in 2023, reports an article from the Washington Post. The article, authored by National reporter Dan Diamond, discusses the absence of collaborating political forces…

How long does your “nest egg” need to last?

It’s a frightening question to many, especially those who have a pretty good idea that their accumulated retirement savings just might not be sufficient. It’s also a question that by its very nature is unanswerable. It’s sort of like “how…

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