
Expectations do not always match statistics

A recent survey on finances and longevity reported over half of the respondents say their goal is to live to be centenarian – but still plan on retiring between the ages of 65 and 69. A quarter of the survey…

Longevity Literacy to improve your retirement

There are no guarantees in life, and many pre-retirees worry about what could go sideways after they retire. One of the greatest retirement fears is outliving your savings and/or investments. Surya Kolluri, head of the TIAA Institute, said, “If you…

The need for Longevity Literacy in retirement planning

More than half of American adults did not know how long people generally tend to live in retirement, according to a recent report from TIAA Institute. This factor could lead to them failing to save enough money to last as…

Think Before You Leap (Into Social Security)

There are three tried-and-true criteria for making the decision to file for Social Security benefits, and they’re worth revisiting from time-to-time. Dropping the ball on any one of these three pivotal factors could lead you into a financial predicament later…

How long does your “nest egg” need to last?

It’s a frightening question to many, especially those who have a pretty good idea that their accumulated retirement savings just might not be sufficient. It’s also a question that by its very nature is unanswerable. It’s sort of like “how…

Retirement Uncertainty and the Impact on Women

Recent research by research Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies (TCRS) reports that “only 12 percent of women indicated being “very confident” they will someday retire comfortably.” This sentiment, coupled with frequent news accounts of generally lower benefit levels and longer lifespans for women,…

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