Ask Rusty – About Investing Social Security Money in the Stock Market
Dear Rusty: For most folks collecting Social Security, you get back what you put in within 3-5 years, so for those that scream – “SS is not an entitlement, it is my money”- that is not entirely accurate beyond 3-5…
Viewpoints on Privatization of Social Security In the News Again

Since the Social Security Board of Trustees issued the 2024 Report on the status of the Old-Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance trust funds earlier this month, the tempo has been building regarding the program’s future financial problems. Nothing in…
Privatization of Social Security…An On-again/Off-again Issue
Quite a bit has been written on the subject of privatizing Social Security funding via stock market investment, and for many years, the basic premise has been a volatile issue for governmental administrations. Take, for example, President George W. Bush’s…