retirement planning

Social Security and Your Retirement Financial Plan–Assembling the Pieces

If you are beginning to take a look ay how your retirement years will be financed, congratulations! Many folks, unfortunately, do not take a long-term view on this subject and often find themselves arriving at key decision points unprepared to…

Taxation of Social Security Benefits

As the old saying goes, only two things are certain, and one of them is taxes. Many new Social Security beneficiaries are surprised (and perplexed) to learn that their benefits are subject to income tax if their combined income from…

Retirement Planning and Longevity Insurance

A very common concern in the minds of so many seniors these days, given Social Security’s muddied long-term future, raging inflation, and the economy in general, is the possibility of outliving accumulated financial resources. To use a popular phrase, “It’s…

Dealing With Social Security’s Inherent Inability to Ensure Retirement

The more you look at Social Security, and the more you ponder its place in your retirement planning strategy, the more you become aware of the program’s basic premise. This premise, in simple terms, is to keep seniors from falling…

AI and Retirement Planning: An Assessment

In an article by MarketWatch reporter Andrew Shilling, the ability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to provide assistance–free–to someone researching retirement questions is put to the test. With a basic question–“How much should I have saved for retirement?” posed to…

Exchanging Social Security Benefits for an RMD Deferral Option? A New Idea Surfaces.

As the rhetoric on fixing Social Security’s solvency problem pickS up steam, so does the emergence of new and creative approaches to reforming the system. In a post today on, contributor Chris Heerlein advances a suggestion that deals with…

Deja Vu All Over Again With Respect to Retirement Sentiment

The “Great Recession” of a decade and a half ago produced a chilling effect on many folks’ retirement thinking, with many market-based savings plans–401ks in particular–taking a brutal hammering. If you were already in retirement, or at the threshold of…

Reasons to Check Your SSA Annual Statement

Verifying the information included on your annual Social Security statement is an important thing to do, and can save you a lot of difficulty later in the event there are mistakes or omissions in the information contained in the statement. For…

The On-going Question: Should I Delay Claiming Social Security?

This is without one of the most frequent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service, with many folks confused with the impact that various benefits starting points can have on monthly benefit cash flow. For…

On Becoming Financially Ready for Retirement–Some Thoughts on Money

Life comes at you pretty fast, and the older we get, the more that becomes obvious. And it becomes even more obvious when one sees the retirement milestone coming at a fast pace. If you don’t have a plan in…

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