retirement planning

Using Social Security’s online retirement planners

Anyone looking ahead to retirement is probably aware of the importance of understanding the details needed to make effective decisions. In an effort to help those interested in acquiring this understanding, SSA Public Affairs Specialist Catherine LeBlanc has posted an article on…

If You’re Worried About Running Our of Money in Retirement, Read This!

Many, many folks aging into–or already in–their retirement years share a concern: Your accumulated nest egg may not be substantial enough to carry you the way you’d like. If that’s a concern you have, Robert Powell Editor of TheStreet’s Retirement Daily,…

Delaying Retirement: The Importance of Staying Relevant

Wanting to delay retirement as a strategy to bolster finances for those later years is becoming more and more the norm. But for many, it’s not that easy, given what many see as diminishing opportunities for older workers. “Their bosses…

Rethinking retirement planning: portfolio withdrawals and Social Security

Conventional wisdom as widely published in retirement articles suggests withdrawing 4% of your portfolio each year of retirement (adjusted for inflation) and choosing a Social Security start date after conducting a break-even analysis.  This MarketWatch article, however, suggests that this…

Some Pointers on Seeking Financial Advice for Retirement

Unbiased financial advice for those planning for their retirement years is difficult to come by, according to an article by Forbes contributor Peter Fisher posted on Fisher comments on the impact of conflicts of interest on the part of financial advisors…

More on Social Security Strategies…Some Things You May Not be Aware of

Ryan and Tyson Thacker, principals in B.O.S.S. Retirement Solutions, offer an extensive review, in podcast format on, of some of the more important–but least understood–strategic moves that can be made to correctly and appropriately file for Social Security benefits.…

For Many, Social Security is the Footing for a Sound Retirement

Despite rumors of Social Security’s impending problems (in fact, many use the term “bankruptcy”), rational, informed financial planning for retirement needs to consider the place that this benefit program holds for seniors. Marcia Mantell, founder and president of Mantell Retirement Consulting, Inc., in…

Reverse Mortgages and Their Current Use in Retirement Financial Planning

The NerdWallet’s Liz Weston examines the current state of reverse mortgages and the role that they can play in retirement financial planning  following recent changes in the law. Whether it’s portfolio protection, debt reduction, or supplemental income, changes mandated by…

Tax Planning, Social Security, and Retirement Planning: A Primer for the Savvy Widow

For widows (and widowers, for that matter) wrestling with the decision on when to retire, it’s a good idea to think strategically and weigh a variety op options before taking the plunge. For example, understanding the benefits of working longer than…

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