
Although Increasing, Inflation Remains a Serious Concern for Seniors

You’ve probably seen a range of news accounts suggesting that the cost-of-living adjustment for 2025 will be a bit lower than the increases of the past few years. That projection, of course, is the mathematical effect of the consumer price…

Basics for Everyone Participating in Social Security

Although most of the basic rules and regulations associated with Social Security have been covered in the many searchable articles on this site, a post by VIBUS contributor Fran Candelera brings together “10 things Americans need to know about retirement…

On Social Security Solvency, No Surprise… Americans Want Action!

Hardly a day goes by that doesn’t present media accounts of Social Security’s long-term financial problems, most with dire projections of a substantial benefit reduction in about a decade. The hand-wringing is intense, often highlighting the terrible effects of an…

“Retirement Preparedness” Is a Growing Concern for Gen Xers

With all this chatter about Social Security’s long-term solvency, and with concerns ranging from reduced benefits to no benefits at all, it’s no wonder that younger workers are developing bleak perspectives on how comfortable their “golden years” will be. Fueling…

The Psychology of Retirement…And Why So Many Don’t

In today’s economy, many folks looking ahead to retirement realize that finances may dictate a longer stint in the workforce. Perhaps the “nest egg” isn’t what it needs to be, or the work record doesn’t provide a substantial enough Social…

Unexpected costs in retirement

Planning for your retirement is not easy. You must not only account for the costs of everyday things such as housing, insurance, and traveling but also those unexpected costs you may encounter during your retirement that may impact your financial…

Adults are worried

Americans are worried. According to the latest Gallup poll, three-quarters of adults aged 65 and younger said they are concerned about Medicare, and 80 percent said they are worried about Social Security benefits. The poll also found the respondents “make…

Social Security special minimum benefit program

Social Security special minimum benefit program is a special minimum primary insurance amount (PIA) enacted in 1972 to provide adequate benefits to long-term low earners. For individuals with a long history of low earnings, the special minimum benefit could be…

Proposed plan for new retirement system

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania proposed a plan for the federal government to create “personal individual investment accounts” to replace the current retirement systems. According to the authors, “All contributions are made by the federal government without…

Women and retirement savings

At the end of 2022, the average monthly benefit check for a retired woman was $1,638 compared to $2020 for a retired man, according to a report from the Social Security Administration. Why? Women tend to earn less than men,…

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