
A Quick Refresher on Social Security Solvency…and Steps You Should Consider

WDIO’s Grace Koppen hosts a brief discussion on the much-reported Social Security insolvency issue, featuring commentary from Barry Bigelow (Great Waters Financial) clarifying what to expect as the calendar moves toward the projected depletion of the program’s financial reserves. The…

Healthcare Costs in Retirement…Often Overlooked in the Planning Process

Predicting cash needs in retirement is a daunting task. It often focuses on day-to-day living expenses (e.g., housing, food clothing, travel, etc.) compared to expected income streams (e.g., Social Security, interest on savings, retirement account withdrawals, etc.). That makes sense,…

Many seniors find “un-retiring” is a better option

For many seniors, working a whole career can get stale, causing retirement to look extremely attractive. But about 2 in 5 Americans have found that retirement isn’t all they dreamed it to be, and have returned to work – in…

Need to bolster your retirement income? Here’s how

Of course, everyone wants to maximize their retirement income, but options for doing that as you approach retirement age are scant. You’ve already saved as much as you were able to over your lifetime, so your nest egg is set…

Want to retire early? Learn about the “FIRE” concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

Early retirement is something likely dreamt of by most millennials and members of “Generation Z” but, as many Boomers and Gen Xers have discovered, retiring early is a pretty lofty objective. The FIRE concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is an…

Encore Article: Medicare Coverage Options and Open Enrollment

This article was first published last fall but is worthy of this encore re-publication because the topic – Medicare – is one which affects a majority of our readers all year long. Originally published by the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation…

The WEP/GPO Debate Rages On

Congress has been under considerable pressure lately over two Social Security provisions which have, for decades, irked some retirees from public service. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) affect those who have a federal, state,…

Approaching 65? Here’s what you should know about Medicare

Medicare is the national healthcare plan for those over age 65 and, as you approach that age, there are several things you should keep in mind. First, you should remember than not enrolling in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period…

Working during retirement – an increasing trend

“Back in the old days,” as some would say, you worked many years in your career, and then retired to your so-called “golden years” of leisure, collecting your pension and your Social Security benefits. Well, the “old days” are no…

Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security?

Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security? Well, recent research on this topic suggests that age 70 is the best age in most circumstances but, curiously, that is not the age at which most beneficiaries actually claimed. A…

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