
Have Markets already Privatized Social Security?

With a unique perspective John Tamny for Forbes explains how the markets have already adjusted to Social Security’s shortfalls. The 55 plus crowd, recognizing that Social Security will not sustain them in retirement, are saving and investing more now than…

Social Security is improving electronic access to provide more efficient service

Social Security is updating their electronic interface with clients by enabling many more documents to be sent to them by email or online. This is improving services by greatly diminishing snail mail and visits to their offices. VA news has…

Average Social Security Earnings in 2024

The average Social Security income shows why retirees need to also depend on other income, such as savings or (hopefully) a pension. Social Security as only meant to cover about 40% of post retirement expenses, as explained in this article…

How much do People Earn on Social Security?

This article by Kailey Hagen for the Motley Fool was published on July 6, 2024. She looks at the “average amount” of Social Security earned by a typical couple. Read here… Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content…

Will a recent Supreme Court Ruling affect Disability Rights?

According to Michelle Diament for Disability Scoop on July 8 2024 the Supreme Court ruling with overturned a 40 year precedent could change the way some disability rules and laws are interpreted. This could lead to legal issues for those…

Smart Ways to Save for Retirement

Information provided by Becca Stanek for The Week US published on July 8, 2024 on how much you will need in your retirement years. Several different strategies and suggestions are given depending on your own situation and age. Read here……

Does your state tax your benefits?

The IRS determines your federal tax bill based on your combined income, which includes your AGI, any nontaxable interest, and half of your yearly Social Security benefits. However, only a handful of states tax your Social Security benefit. What states…

How waiting boosts your benefit?

There is no perfect age to begin your Social Security benefits. Your choice of when to take your Social Security benefits is a personal one based on your circumstances. However, if you wait past your full retirement age to begin…

Is 40 the new 65?

Do you believe 40 is the new 65 when it comes to retirement? If so, you are not alone. According to a recent survey by Qualtrics, almost 25 percent of younger Millennials and Gen Z workers plan to retire by…

Would a national retirement plan raise savings rates?

A recent survey found only about half of Americans have retirement accounts. But what if every worker was enrolled automatically in a retirement plan? According to a recent study by researchers from Princeton University and the Treasury Department, a national…

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