Planning For Your Retirement
” … people shouldn’t view retirement as “an endless vacation.”” Instead, they should dive into their inner selves and values,” according to this Yahoo! Finance article by Tina Nazerian. What will your retirement look like? Do you have a specific…
Social Security Solvency: A Perspective
Considering all the media exposure the topic has received in recent years, you’re likely already aware that Social Security is facing some financial issues in the not-too-distant future. To be exact, 2033 is when the program’s Trustees currently project Social…
Millennials Likely to Bear the Burden of Social Security Reform
Given all the media coverage in the past year or so, it’s now pretty well known that Social Security – the nation’s bedrock retirement program – will face serious financial issues in about a decade. Although the recently released Social…
Doing away with the old 4% rule
We all fear running out of money in retirement, but will we? Most financial experts assume all of us will live to age 95, but only a few of us will, so are we spending too cautiously and not enjoying…
Finding the right retirement savings goal
How much will you need to retire? Everyone’s ideal retirement is different based on their goals, and no two retirements look the same. There are, however, some rules that may help you estimate your retirement savings goals. Ryan Downie outlines…
Employee emergency savings account
We all know what financial stress does to a worker–it lowers productivity, increases absenteeism, and can lead to other problems. A recent survey by FinFit found that 3 out of 4 workers are living paycheck to paycheck. Many of the…
Women want a secure retirement
In a recent report published by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), more than three-quarters of women surveyed said the typical American worker doesn’t earn enough to save for a secure retirement. The survey also concluded that women want…
Needed changes to 401K plans
Since their arrival 40 years ago in the retirement industry, the 401(k) has become the leader in nudging out corporate pension plans and IRAs. But they are not perfect. So, the federal government has begun implementing laws aimed at workers…
Will Medicare Part B premiums wipe out COLA
After the government released the inflation rate for April, Social Security analysts began to estimate the cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) for 2025. As you may know, the Social Security Administration bases its COLA each year on average annual increases in CPI-W from…
Should you stay or should you go?
Should you stay or should you go? Many financial experts advise their clients to consider converting their 401(k) to a Roth IRA to lower taxes in retirement, but should you? Will the benefits of lower taxes outweigh other benefits if…