
What did people do before Social Security?

Social Security was first introduced in 1935.  It has been a tremendous support for older and disabled Americans for decades.  Do you ever think about how older people managed before that time? There weren’t a lot of options and often…

Department of Labor Strengthens Regulaton on Savers’ Advice

There have been many articles posted over the past several years about the amount of financial resources accumulated for retirement, with the fairly common belief that future retirees are somewhat unprepared for their financial needs during a lengthy retirement. While…

Need to bolster your retirement income? Here’s how

Of course, everyone wants to maximize their retirement income, but options for doing that as you approach retirement age are scant. You’ve already saved as much as you were able to over your lifetime, so your nest egg is set…

Want to retire early? Learn about the “FIRE” concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

Early retirement is something likely dreamt of by most millennials and members of “Generation Z” but, as many Boomers and Gen Xers have discovered, retiring early is a pretty lofty objective. The FIRE concept (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is an…

Working during retirement – an increasing trend

“Back in the old days,” as some would say, you worked many years in your career, and then retired to your so-called “golden years” of leisure, collecting your pension and your Social Security benefits. Well, the “old days” are no…

About Increasing Social Security’s Full Retirement Age

With Trust Fund depletion looming on Social Security’s financial horizon, there is no shortage of ideas for resolving the program’s financial woes to avoid a potential across-the-board cut in everyone’s benefit in less than a decade. Included in most discussions…

Is Social Security “Broke Beyond Belief?”

According to a self-described “retirement planning evangelist” the American Social Security program is “broke beyond belief” and may not be able to pay full benefits as soon as 2034. That, of course, is a rather harsh, yet understandable, description of…

Retirement savings crisis

Is there a retirement savings crisis in America? Yes; according to a recent survey, over three-fourths of Americans agree that there is a retirement savings crisis. Over half of the respondents cited their concerns that they cannot achieve financial security…

Retaining older workers

In his annual letter to investors, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink addressed the issue of America’s lack of retirement savings and the aging workforce. Mr. Fink challenged “HR departments to find ways to hire and retain older workers, but also help…

What one more year will do for you

Satisfaction with their jobs was the main reason why 10 percent of retirees ended their careers later than planned, according to a recent MassMutual Survey. What benefits could you receive by postponing your retirement date for a year? Maurie Backman…

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