Social Security solvency

Negative Viewpoints on Changing the Full Retirement Age

In an article on, reporter Daniel Marans recaps the whitewater facing former New Mexico governor and two-time Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson as a consequence of his stance on raising Social Security’s full retirement age (FRA). While Johnson’s position would call…

Addressing the Solvency Issue–A Cause and Effect Discussion

Political analysts Yuval Levin and James C. Capretta, in a post today on The Weekly Standard, take aim at America’s deteriorating financial situation, at the core of which they assert is the steadily growing federal deficit and it’s projected 10-year…

Some Preliminary Thoughts on Social Security

As the article attached to this post suggests, there are some very basic questions that folks starting to think about Social Security might be afraid to ask, even before delving into the myriad details. For example, in broad terms how…

The Saga of Social Security’s Worsening Outlook

Brenton Smith, in a post on, takes an in-depth look at the Social Security solvency dilemma, calling to question the premise that all looks well through 2034. Smith’s article describes what he terms “a serious misconception about the data provided…

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