Social Security

Can you Collect Social Security Benefits when you live in Another Country?

For the most part, the answer is yes. There are a handful of countries that are the exception. The number of Americans collecting Social Security benefits from overseas has risen rapidly in the last few years. Lower costs for housing…

Ways to Safeguard your Social Security Account against Scammers

When someone uses your personal information for their own benefit identity theft has occurred. Josh Weller, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver CO, explains how to avoid this situation in this article published by The Sundance Times on July…

Social Security was Last Overhauled in 1983

That was the last time the Social Security Trust Fund was nearly depleted. Legislative changes were made to gradually extend the Full Retirement Age, increase the payroll tax and apply additional income tax to Social Security benefits. We are in…

When to Claim Social Security Benefits

Is it better to claim early at age 62 or wait until your maximum benefit at 70? There is no one size fits all answer. It depends on your own individual situation. The Mecury’s writer Janet Colliton gives some helpful…

How can your Social Security Benefits be Tax Free?

The threshold for Social Security benefits becoming taxable is really low and has not been adjusted for decades. Social Security benefits are taxable for a single tax filer at a combined income of $25,000 and for joint filers at $32,000.…

A Question of Identity

Digital Identification is on the horizon. In the interest of sharing only the information necessary to a particular transaction. The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology is working on a way to use a digital id on your phone…

Have Markets already Privatized Social Security?

With a unique perspective John Tamny for Forbes explains how the markets have already adjusted to Social Security’s shortfalls. The 55 plus crowd, recognizing that Social Security will not sustain them in retirement, are saving and investing more now than…

2025 COLA Situation

Since inflation is currently lower the COLA increase can be expected to be lower. It may be the lowest we have seen in the last few years. The only way this could change is if inflation suddenly increases in the…

Social Security is improving electronic access to provide more efficient service

Social Security is updating their electronic interface with clients by enabling many more documents to be sent to them by email or online. This is improving services by greatly diminishing snail mail and visits to their offices. VA news has…

Average Social Security Earnings in 2024

The average Social Security income shows why retirees need to also depend on other income, such as savings or (hopefully) a pension. Social Security as only meant to cover about 40% of post retirement expenses, as explained in this article…

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