Social Security

Making Social Security Benefits Fit Your Retirement Financing Strategy

Social Security is an important part of many retirement financial strategies, with nearly 60% of retirees reporting that their financial well-being depends on their monthly Social Security benefits. With this as a benchmark, it’s important that future retirees give thought to…

Social Security and the Census

The year 2020 is just around the corner, and with it comes the next decennial census where, as directed by Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, we are obligated to count every resident of the United States. Census Field Representatives…

Viewpoints on the Use of Social Security to Fund Paid Family Leave

The funding of paid leave for families to care for newborns, personal medical care, or care of family members care continues to be a debatable issue in the political world. In fact, It’s likely to become a part of various platforms…

Preserving & Modernizing Social Security must be goal says AMAC  

Scarcely a week goes by without a headline on how little Americans save for retirement and another on how Social Security’s long-term health is in peril. Over 63 million Americans currently receive Social Security benefits.  Demographic changes are challenging its…

Boost Your Social Security Benefits

Security Security benefits were never meant to live on alone without supplemental pensions, savings, or other sources of income.  Benefits replace just 40 percent of pre-retirement income.  Filing for Social Security as late as possible is the easiest way to get…

Social Security Taxes Explained

Bill Bischoff explains the Social Security payroll tax in this MarketWatch piece, covering how it is applied, including to self-employed people.  He includes an explanation on the difference between cost of living increases to benefits and the calculation that determines…

Retirement essentials to keep more cash in your pocket

Social Security and Medicare are essential government programs, but a new poll shows how little Americans understand both.  Darla Mercado of CNBC summarizes the findings and adds these three tips: 1.) do the “catch up” IRA contributions in your 502 to…

Early Social Security benefits not usually in one’s best interest

A majority of those filing for Social Security claim benefits before full retirement age.  This occurs despite a plethora of research noting that it pays to wait, to as long as age 70 if possible.  Steve Vernon cites the few…

Delayed Benefits Could Expedite Social Security’s Financial Instability

New research by the money management firm United Income casts much doubt on the assertion that seniors should delay claiming Social Security as long as possible (to age 70) to receive maximum lifetime monthly benefits.  While good for individuals, the research suggests that if seniors…

Ten Reasons Today’s Retirees Are Relying on Social Security

Social Security was only designed to replace a portion of one’s working income, and it currently replaces about 40 percent.  That means retirees need other sources of income and savings to make ends meet.  As Andrew Lisa reports in Yahoo…

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