Social Security

Can Millenials and Gen X Count on Social Security?

Eric Roberge is founder of Beyond Your Hammock, a virtual financial planning firm that helps professionals in their 30s and 40s make mindful decisions with their money and strategically use their incomes to achieve financial freedom.  Roberge notes that worries about whether Social Security…

Social Security, Deficits, and Debt Explained

Teresa Ghilarducci, writing in Forbes Magazine, participated in a debate this week and sought to address why so many people mistakenly believe Social Security adds to the deficit.  She notes Congress can add to the deficit and debt through every program…

How to suspend Social Security benefits

Mary Beth Franklin explains that if you are already entitled to Social Security benefits, you may voluntarily suspend your retirement payments once you reach full retirement age (66-67 depending on birth year).  You can call the Social Security Administration either over…

Some Social Security strategies can cost you

Maurie Backman highlights three strategies to be aware of when deciding on a start date for Social Security benefits.  Filing at age 62 or any time before full retirement age will cost you.  The “take the money as soon as you…

The Little Black Book on Social Security

ACCESSWIRE announces Dennis Tubbergen’s sixth book authored with Retirement Lifestyle Advocates was released this third week of June 2019.  Tubbergen has a background in researching and writing about financial history for over 20 years.  This book’s goal is to help retirees…

The Complex World Of Social Security Spousal Benefits

Jamie Hopkins of Forbes notes that many people are familiar with how their own Social Security benefits work.  However, fewer are aware of how spousal benefits work, and spousal benefits can be complex with numerous claiming options and factors to…

Social Security and American Public Opinion

Frank Newport is a senior scientist at The Gallup organization.  He examines a plethora of polling data on Social Security in this piece.  For starters, Social Security isn’t called the third rail of politics for nothing.  Americans consistently say that they want Social Security benefits…

Why a Bigger Social Security Program Would Make Us Worse Off

Rachel Geszler’s thoughtful piece in The Daily Signal explains the problems with The Social Security 2100 Act, likely to pass the House soon.  It would make Social Security solvent and head off 20% plus in benefit cuts for all due to occur…

The myth that’s become a full blown Social Security conspiracy

Contributor Eliana Block cites The Social Security Administration and three independent experts who concur that no funds have ever been misappropriated from Social Security or its Trust Fund.  One of the experts, Alex Lawson, states unequivocally, “”By law, the funds that…

Why Social Security Faces a Funding Shortfall

Why are Social Security’s finances so shaky?  As Maurie Backman explains in this piece, there are three main reasons:  First, too many baby boomers are retiring at once.  Second, not enough younger employees are entering the workforce to replace them.  Third,…

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