Social Security

New RNC Platform – 20 key issues to be prioritized

This article by Ayelet Sheffy on July 8th for Business Insider reveals the priorities of the Trump campaign, including everything from economics to the open border to Social Security and Medicare. The platform helps give voters a clear view of…

How much do People Earn on Social Security?

This article by Kailey Hagen for the Motley Fool was published on July 6, 2024. She looks at the “average amount” of Social Security earned by a typical couple. Read here… Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content…

Will a recent Supreme Court Ruling affect Disability Rights?

According to Michelle Diament for Disability Scoop on July 8 2024 the Supreme Court ruling with overturned a 40 year precedent could change the way some disability rules and laws are interpreted. This could lead to legal issues for those…

A Different Spin on What to do with Social Security

The attached article by Austin Smith for 247 Wall St published on July 8, 2024 gives a different perspective for a Social Security solution. Trump has hinted that he may have a totally different way to handle the insolvency issue…

Social Security’s Problems Plus a Balanced Solution

What’s all this talk about Social Security’s problems all of a sudden? Why not just leave the program alone? Is Social Security going bankrupt? So what can be done? Are there pros and cons to each? Why not just raise…

Social Security’s $4.1 Trillion Hidden Government Deficit

Romina Boccia of The Cato Institute explains the American public’s misconceptions about how our pay-as-you-go Social Security works and how and why it faces a huge financial shortfall. Boccia explains how the IOUs work, the current deficit spending the program…

Fact Check: Are Immigrants Getting Social Security?

Aliss Higham of Newsweek dives into the illegal alien vs. Social Security argument. In the debate, Donald Trump said, “Social Security, he’s destroying it because millions of people are pouring into our country, and they’re putting them onto Social Security.”…

Both Biden & Trump Social Security “fixes” miss the mark

Sean Williams has a piece that describes the stark reality of leaving the Social Security program alone– benefit cuts in excess of 20% in a decade. Williams notes that since 1985, the annually released Social Security Board of Trustees Report…

Need to have an honest conversation about Social Security

The presidential candidates are promising to preserve Social Security, but the reality is that if Congress does not take action by 2035, seniors will see a cut to their benefits. When discussing the Social Security insolvency issue, many myths about…

Does your state tax your benefits?

The IRS determines your federal tax bill based on your combined income, which includes your AGI, any nontaxable interest, and half of your yearly Social Security benefits. However, only a handful of states tax your Social Security benefit. What states…

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