Social Security

Social Security: Moral Right But Not Legal One

This opinion piece by Mike Plunkett explains a little known but important Social Security case of Flemming v. Nestor.  A main point of the majority’s opinion in the case is frequently noted as something of the order that “the government has no…

Lower retirement costs by spending less – see how here

This article by Maurie Backman notes that retirement is more expensive than people think. Nearly half of older households wind up spending more money, not less, during their first two years of retirement.  However, these five steps can be taken to reduce your retirement costs…

Fifteen years to Social Security retirement fund insolvency

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is a non-partisan watchdog agency in Washington DC that frequently comments on issues related to the federal debt, runaway deficit spending, and reform of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.  In…

Do these 15 things with an on-line Social Security account

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has been shifting its resources online for current and future beneficiaries for years now.  This is the list of 15 things you can do online with an account, and to read the full piece by…

Social Security as a sole retirement lifeline? “Fuhgeddaboudit!”

It may seem hard to believe, but even in 2019 too many Americans are not saving enough for retirement.  Consider that an unfathomable 45% of Boomers have zero set aside, and perhaps worse is the belief that Social Security will sustain retirees…

Answer these three questions before filing for Social Security

Deciding when to begin collecting Social Security benefits is among the most important life decisions one can make.  Maurie Backman suggests asking these questions:  1.) Am I at full retirement age (now age 66 and 67 for those born in 1960…

Social Security headed for “life support?”

“Life support” is not all that far-fetched a reality for the program that 63 million people rely on for a monthly benefit.  Social Security is bumping up against issues that have been known for decades– namely, unfavorable demographics.  People are…

Social Security’s Looming Insolvency – Blessing or Curse?

Imagine how relieved you would feel after your doctor said, “I’ve got some bad news for you.  You are healthy now, but you will die one day.”  You’d actually be relieved he didn’t give you six to twelve months to…

Working and collecting Social Security? What you need to know

About 20% of people age 65+ now work full or part-time, up 50% from 2000.  It is important to understand the rules regarding work while collecting Social Security benefits.  If you work before reaching full retirement age (66 or 67), then there…

Resist urge to claim benefits at 62 – Here’s why

Most people do file for Social Security benefits early, at or close to age 62.  The drawback is permanently lower monthly benefits for life.  For someone with a full retirement age of 67, claiming at 62 means a 30% reduction. …

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