Social Security

Medicare and Social Security

The Motley Fool’s Christy Bieber, in a post on, takes a look at  handful of basic questions about Medicare, one of which reiterates the concern that many Social Security recipients have regarding when to sign up for this health care benefit.…

Women and Retirement–The Importance of Strategic Thinking

It’s a statistical fact, women on average live longer than men. And what comes along with that statistic is the corollary that women have a longer period of time for which they need to have living expenses covered. For this…

Contemplating Self-Employment? Here’s How Social Security Tax Works,

If you’re thinking of joining the ranks of the self-employed workers, or moving into the “gig economy,” you need to have  full understanding of how Social Security taxes are handled. This post by Daniel Kurt provides a quick review of…

Rethinking the “File at Age 62” Reflex

With so many folks electing to file for Social Security benefits at the earliest possible opportunity (age 62), one wonders if the long-term economics of this decision are being adequately considered. In a post on, reporter Peter Finch explores this…

Social Security Reform: The Conversation Must Start Now!

In an article recapping sentiments expressed at a Capitol Hill pubic education session conducted by Funding Our Future, Investment News contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin stressed that the time is at hand to start the serious conversation needed to reform Social…

Social Security-Related Phone Scams–They Just Won’t Go Away!

This post drives home the point that scammers and fraudsters continue to actively target unsuspecting citizens, mostly seniors with whom the term Social Security rings a loud bell. Being aware is being safe, and this post can help you avoid…

How Taxes Eat Away at Your Social Security Benefits

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This enduring statement was penned by Benjamin Franklin in 1789, and rings true…

The Links Between Saving and Early Retirement

While retiring early seems to be a growing trend, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the longer you need to fund those retirement years, the larger nest egg you’ll need to amass. And in addition, the lesser…

The Impact of Using Social Security as a Means to Fund Family Leave

Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s several weeks ago floated an idea to enable workers to take two months of family leave and fund it via Social Security, calling it a “budget neutral” proposal. In response, the nonpartisan Urban Institute conducted a study that gauges…

Tales of the FIRE movement: “Financial Independence, Retire Early”

There’s a cultural shift evolving across the blogger community, and it involves folks putting their dreams of vacating the 9-to-5 world as early as possible into play. In a article by Alessandra Malito, anecdotal accounts of two who have looked beyond…

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