Social Security

Opposition Mounting for Rubio/Wagner Family Leave Initiatives

Paid family leave is becoming a pretty hot topic in Washington, with opposition being expressed in response to Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s “Economic Security for New Parents Act” (see our post yesterday on this subject) and a similar bill being prepared…

It’s Your Social Security…Make Sure Your Getting the Most!

In a post on, InvestmentNews contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin offers an extensive overview of the basics of ensuring a correct and appropriate level of Social Security benefits. Ms. Franklin covers the importance of being constantly vigilant on the accuracy of…

The Importance of a Post-Retirement Strategy

If you’ve retired from the workforce but haven’t filed for Social Security benefits, most financial advisors would advise you to hold off as long as you can (by the way, take a look at our recent post on this issue…

Paid Family Leave Financed by Social Security Deferrals Now on the Table

Led by Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s proposed “Economic Security for New Parents Act,” the issue of paid family leave has entered the debate stage in Washington. Rubio’s proposal, calling for for at least two months of paid leave in exchange for an…

Navigating Financial Obstacles in Retirement

It can be a mine field, this process of building and managing a solid retirement financial picture. In fact, this mine filed is strewn with obstacles that can derail one’s financial plans quickly. Fox Business reporter Leia Klingel, in a post…

Entering Your 60s? It’s not too late to shore up your Social Security picture

With nearly a third of all seniors finding themselves totally reliant on Social Security for their independence, and with fully 62% of seniors depending on the program for at least half of their retirement income, it’s critical for so many to…

Early Retirement: Why it may not always be the wrong choice.

These days, it seems that those dispensing advice on retirement financing routinely sound off about the dreadful consequences of taking Social Security benefits at age 62–the earliest possible age to file. And it’s certainly true that filing at age 62 results…

What Happens to Social Security in a Government Shutdown?

It becomes an issue every so often, this threat of a shutdown of the federal government’s business operations. Between now and September 30, the current threat may evaporate, but if it doesn’t, your Social Security payments will not be affected,…

So, Actually How Does Social Security Calculate My Benefit?

For some folks, a spoken definition can be better than a written explanation, especially when it comes to something as complicated as calculating ones’ Social Security benefits. Klaas Financial Asset Advisors, oerating in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin has filled this niche…

Working While Disabled — Social Security Can Help

(Source: Social Security Administration) While it may be best known for retirement, Social Security is also here to help you get back to work if you are disabled. For millions of people, work isn’t just a source of income, it’s…

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