Social Security

No 401k? Don’t Give Up…You Still Have Options

The problem of inadequate wealth accumulation for one’s future retirement security is an issue appearing frequently–some would say constantly–in the financial media these days. You’ve no doubt seen the statistics, like the National Institute on Retirement Security’s conclusion that  66% of people…

A Call for Action on Social Security’s Solvency Dilemma

The Concord Coalition, a non-partisan fiscal advocacy organization serving as a source of information on the risks and consequences of a growing federal debt and unsustainable fiscal policies, recently issued a “call to action” stressing the importance of taking action…

Concerns Over Longevity and Financial Sustainability Growing

According to a recent Allianz study, “66% of Americans aged 45 to 65 with over $400,000 in retirement savings on average feel they’re at risk of running out of money during their golden years. And 61% think they’ll need to keep…

A Five-minute Overview of Social Security Details

The producers at Nebraska TV (NTV), in their Good Morning Nebraska show, present an informative video featuring Tim Moomey of the FSB Investment Center discussing Social Security issues. If you have a spare five minutes, it’s a pretty good synopsis of the 2018…

Social Security COLA Talks Heating Up

We’re into that time of the year…the months where pundits begin to look closely at the CPI-W readings and formulate their forecast of what the July-September readings will be in relation to last year. The year-to-year comparison, of course, will…

For Many, Social Security is the Footing for a Sound Retirement

Despite rumors of Social Security’s impending problems (in fact, many use the term “bankruptcy”), rational, informed financial planning for retirement needs to consider the place that this benefit program holds for seniors. Marcia Mantell, founder and president of Mantell Retirement Consulting, Inc., in…

Social Security and Widowed Spouses

Understanding the benefits available to widowed spouses is key to financial planning for the aftermath of the loss of a loved one, and WTOP’s Dawn Doebler takes care in a post to explain the process for obtaining the benefits available. Her…

Social Security’s Infamous “Earnings Test”

Investment News Contributing Editor Mary Beth Franklin, in a post on, takes an in-depth look at one of the components of Social Security that surprises–and causes some level of heartburn for–folks planning to retire before their full retirement age and…

Medicare: An Overview of Components and Facts

Medicare’s enrollment process can be vexing for those hurtling toward their eligibility. And that’s perhaps an understatement, given the enormity and complexity of this massive program. Missing an enrollment deadline can cost one dearly, and that’s why it’s criticaql to…

Understanding What Social Security Is Not

Social Security has an exemplary record of serving America’s retired workers and their families. Despite this record, it’s important to understand that there are aspects of social welfare that the program is not designed to accommodate, as explained by The Motley…

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