Social Security

Retirement Taxes: Here’s What to Expect

As The Motley Fool’s Dan Caplinger suggests, many folks look toward retirement as a time when tax burdens are lighter, and more of one’s income can be devoted to personal pleasure. Indeed, that was one of the enticements of the…

Getting the Most Out of Social Security: Some Tips

If you’ve spent any time thinking about Social Security and analyzing where and how it fits into your retirement financial strategy, you’re well-versed in the benefits of deferring benefits past age 62, as well as the longer-term advantage of collecting…

Retirement Planning: Balancing Social Security Against Spending Plans

It’s not an easy task, and it takes a lot more than a good crystal ball, but figuring out what income you’ll have in retirement and balancing it against how you’ll spend it is essential to achieving peace of mind…

The Importance of Double-Checking SSA’s Records

The Social Security Administration admits that there is room for errors in the posting of earnings information, citing a “more than 98%” accuracy rate. So, is this 1% to 2% error rate acceptable to you? If not, you might want to…

Living on Fixed Resources: An Accountable View

For seniors grappling with the dichotomy of a relatively fixed income in the face of continually rising prices, and situations like the shock of Social Security COLA adjustments being eaten up by Medicare premium increases, it’s refreshing at times to…

Have 8 in 10 Millennials Written Off Social Security

According to the results of a 2017 Investopedia study, 81% of surveyed millennials (the roughly 70 million people with birth dates from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s to early 2000s) are convinced that Social Security will not be available to them…

Understanding Your “Full Retirement Age”

Hopefully, this is old news to anyone thinking about their future on Social Security, but it’s always a good idea to be tuned in the the precise numbers. In a post today on, The Motley Fool’s Christy Bieber provides a refresher…

“American Greed” to feature the saga of “Mr. Social Security”

For those having an interest in understanding how a major Social Security fraud is created, tune in to CNBC’s long-running true-crime show, “American Greed” on Monday April 2 at 10:00 pm. The documentary will lay out the development of the largest…

More thoughts on waiting to file for Social Security

As the song goes, “Waiting is the hardest part.” Most folks approaching their age of Social Security eligibility understand, at least intuitively, that resisting the impulse to file early produces a higher benefit later. There are reasons, of course, to…

Rosie The Riveter: Working Women’s Icon

(Source: Social Security Administration) “Rosie the Riveter” is an American icon representing women working in factories during World War II. These women learned new jobs and filled in for the men who were away at war. They produced much of…

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