Social Security

H.R. 82 in the News…Sponsor Launches Discharge Petition

Shreveport-Times reports that Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA-6) has initiated action to take H.R. 82 (The Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 bill he introduced in January of 2023) to a floor vote. The Bill has been held in the House…

Social Security’s Over/Under Problem Hits a New Level

According to a post by moneywise reporter Chris Clark on, Social Security’s cumulative tally of erroneous payments recently hit a milestone: $1 billion. The problem of incorrect payments is not new. It has been discussed in many media articles…

Another Scary Headline!

Reflecting on the “Latest News” article posted here Tuesday, we find another headline likely to cause concern among seniors until they read it. The article is titled “Seniors Losing Nearly $400 Each Month in Social Security: Report” and outlines a…

Project 2025 and Social Security Cuts…Not so, Says PBS News

If you’re tuned into the political news these days—and who isn’t—you’ve probably heard quite a few references to Project 2025, which is subheaded by the Presidential Transition Project. One of the more frequent assertions is that this document calls for…

Too Much Dependence on Social Security Could be a Problem

A post by The Motley Fool’s Katie Brockman highlights the results of a recent Gallup poll in which 60% of those surveyed indicate that their Social Security benefits are a major source of their retirement income. Further, nearly 905 of…

Understanding How Age At Filing Impacts Benefit Levels

Getting the highest Social Security benefit possible is generally only a dream for most workers. It requires a long career in a high-paying job, along with deferring benefits all the way to age 70 to take advantage of delayed retirement…

“Earnings Sharing”…An Item Considered, but Perhaps Not Practical Under Current Social Security Rules

Social Security expert Tom Margenau, in a post on, responds to a suggestion from a reader that there needs to be a better way for Social Security to compensate, in retirement, homemakers for their time outside the workforce. In…

Thoughts on Stretching Your Monthly Social Security Benefit

It’s tough these days for many retirees to make ends meet comfortably, and those dependent on Social Security feel that pain more acutely. Even though the rate of inflation seems to be easing, it’s clear that the price levels reached…

Five retirement challenges that many women face

Women face some unique challenges compared to most men when planning their retirement. The Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement has listed five challenges facing women when planning for retirement. Tammy Flanagan outlines these challenges as a woman employed in…

The trend of unretiring 

American retirees are returning to the workforce. The fastest-growing age group in the workforce is workers over 75, according to the Pew Research Center. Why? Some cite longevity, socialization, and inflation as factors for returning to the workforce. So, are…

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