Social Security

How a Trump Victory could affect Social Security

There are many ideas out there for reforming Social Security. This article by Terence Loose for Go Banking Rates gives one perspective on the effect of a Republican win on the program. Read here… As an example of the leading…

WEP and GPO: A Case Study

In this case study the spouse earned a non covered pension so her Social Security benefits are affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset. John Manganaro for ALM Think Advisor explains here… Notice: The link provided above connects…

Two Announcements from the Social Security Administration

First, if you created your My Social Security login account before September 18, 2021, you will need to transition to a account before the end of the year or you will no longer be able to access your information.…

Candidates Stand on Protecting Social Security

Candidates at the Republican National Convention this year made it a point of speaking on the importance of taking care of Social Security and Medicare. This could make a difference in how Senior Citizens vote this November as Gordon Lang…

How does the COLA work?

Each year, depending on the rate of inflation compared to the third quarter of last year, Social Security beneficiaries get a “Cost of Living Adjustment”. Next year, 2025, is expected to be low compared to the last few years. Christy…

Who is Eligible for a Spouse Benefit?

A spouse benefit is available in many different situations, primarily when a lower earning spouse’s benefit is less than 50% of a higher earning spouses benefit when taken at Full Retirement Age (FRA). In some cases ex spouses are eligible…

Reforming Social Security

Social Security needs updates now to avoid a decrease in benefits for all beneficiaries in about 10 years. There are an abundance of ideas on how this should be accomplished. This Watchblog by the Government Accountability Office gives us a…

Is the Notice I received from Social Security to Change My Account a Scam?

This is not a scam. Social Security is requiring everyone who has a myssaccount to change it so that it can be accessed through It will make access to our Social Security information consistent for all users. An article…

The Logic of Claiming Social Security at 67

You can choose to start collecting Social Security at any age between 62 and 70. So many options can cause confusion. Maurie Backman at The Motley Fool makes a good case for taking your benefits at your Full Retirement Age…

What do Think Tanks say about Donald Trump’s Proposed Tax Cut for Social Security Recipients?

Some say it is not a good idea because it will benefit the “wealthy”. What is the definition of “wealthy”? There are lots of seniors making under $100,000 a year that would benefit greatly, especially widows and widowers. Yes, if…

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