Social Security

Election 2024: Battle Lines Being Drawn on Social Security

Early candidates in the Republican primary race have indicated a wide disparity in their positions when it comes to Social Security. Specifically, former Vice President Mike Pence has gone on record calling for program reform, hinting at a change in…

An “Ideal” Circumstance for Claiming Social Security Benefits at Age 62

It can be a torturous question, this issue of when to file for Social Security benefits. Sure, you’re aware of the reduction in monthly payments you’ll receive, and you’re aware of the persistent advice of financial “experts” that it’s best…

Social Security and Your Retirement Financial Plan–Assembling the Pieces

If you are beginning to take a look ay how your retirement years will be financed, congratulations! Many folks, unfortunately, do not take a long-term view on this subject and often find themselves arriving at key decision points unprepared to…

COLA Watch 2024–Likely Nowhere Near 2023

Inflation is easing, and that’s a good thing for the economy in general. Unfortunately for seniors, though, that downward trend brings with it a similar trajectory in cost-of-living adjustments (COLA). In fact, current projections are that the COLA for next…

House Opens Markup Work on Two Bills Aimed at Identity Fraud Protection

U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means began markup work on two bills introduced to guard against identity theft. The two bills are: H.R. 3784, the “Improving Social Security’s Service to Victims of Identity Theft Act”, and H.R. 3667, the…

Spousal Benefits: A Refresher on the Fundamentals

The question of benefits available to spouses is an area we deal with frequently here at the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. For many, an understanding of the rules and provisions embedded in the Social Security playbook can help…

Claiming Benefits at 62 Still Popular, but Is It Wise?

Well, as we typically begin our response to inquiries, “It depends.” There may be circumstances when it makes sense, as in the case of someone with an expectedly shortened life span, or someone who has ample financial resources and wants…

Clarifying the Banking Interactions Between the U.S. Treasury and Social Security

The charge that the political arena has, through the years, “stolen” money from the Social Security program is an enduring piece of folklore that surfaces routinely in social media and in a variety of news accounts. Some sources cite specific…

Social Security Rules Associated With Living and Working Abroad

Hundreds of thousands of Social Security participants–contributors and beneficiaries–fall into the category of “ex-patriots” or, in the vernacular, Expats, so it’s not that unique an occurrence. So, if an offshore relocation is in your plan, know that although you aren’t…

Point of View: Perspectives on the Social Security Trust Fund

The rhetoric on Social Security’s looming solvency issue is free-flowing these days, and much of it deals with the program’s trust funds and their role in the overall benefit funding process. A post on by William Holahan, emeritus professor…

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